口袋妖怪宝石复刻mega石 百万进化石获取地(口袋妖怪如何获得mega进化石)

11-22 手机 投稿:力幼霜

大家好,小问来为大家解答以上问题。口袋妖怪宝石复刻mega石 百万进化石获取地,口袋妖怪如何获得mega进化石这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!


2、Miao Frog Flower Stone (Lespedeza Stone/Venusaurite): High Grass X Fire Dragon Stone in front of No.119 Cabin (Knight X/Charizarite X is reserved): Hot Ye Path at the bottom of Chimney Hill (Forest /Fiery Path,

3、Fire, Arch and Road, above the 112 Road) Y Fire-breathing Dragon Stone (Fire-breathing Dragon Stone Y/Charizardite Y): No.120 Road is dry and scorched (Iwate of sunlight, surfing and flashing, the hole under the bridge, going forward to the negative first floor,

以上就是【口袋妖怪宝石复刻mega石 百万进化石获取地,口袋妖怪如何获得mega进化石】相关内容。


